"Let the little chilren come to me."
- Jesus, Mathew 19:14
W3CU Journeyland Mission
Our ministry exists to bring children into age-appropriate worship where they can belong to the family of God, grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve and then go share Christ in the world!

W3CU Journeyland Vision
Journeyland is the name of our Children’s Ministry at W3CU and is led by a team of staff and volunteers whose passion is children and whose vision is to “Connect kids to God and to others!” Our goal is to provide a fun and interactive program tailored just for kids no matter what age and grade to help them know Jesus and grow spiritually as they build meaningful relationships with other children and adults.

Nursery & Toddlers
- Ages 0 up to 2 years
- Located off the Foyer in the Main Building
- Our nursery and toddler room is equipped with a curriculum where they begin to learn that they were created by a God who loves them. Through their play, the children are taught that God created them and God loves them. It would be a rare occurrence to walk into one of these rooms and not see small bowls full of goldfish and/or Cheerios as the littlest disciples certainly love their snacks on Sunday mornings!

- Ages 2 through beginning Kindergarten
- Located in Children’s Ministry Center
- Our preschoolers learn Bible lessons every Sunday that teach them about God and how much He loves them, that we have sinned but God has redeemed us through His son, Jesus Christ, and that they can make a difference for God in the world around them! Our preschoolers enjoy a short video related to the lesson, a Bible story, and various crafts and games that reinforce the lesson. There is a snack and lots of opportunities for play that reinforces the lesson.

- Grades Kindergarten through 6th Grade
- Located in Children’s Ministry Center
- Our elementary school aged kids learn Bible lessons from the Old and New Testaments. They begin with worship and a lesson and some engaging activities. Then they break down into groups of K-2 and 3-6 for activities appropriate to their age level. The groups have a short video about the lesson, as well as games, crafts, and other activities that reinforce the lesson.
Would you like to join our team of volunteers?
W3CU Kids runs on Jesus and lots of volunteers each Sunday. From greeters and check-in, to worship and the lesson, to games and other fun activities, we use people ages 7th grade and up. If you are interested in joining us, click the link below to request an application!
Check out what's happening in Journeyland this month!

Pre-register your children for Journeyland!

Ministry Director
Linda Naylor